Abbey Rose

3 Tips To Stop Procrastination

Procrastination is something that pretty much everyone struggles with. 

With so much happening around us, and the fact that we have the world at our fingertips make it easy for us to get distracted, and then before we know it 3 hours have passed and we haven’t even started our tasks for the day!So I’m going to share with you my top 3 tips to stop procrastination, and really get on top of your goals!

Tip 1

Lists, Targets & Accountability

One of the most satisfying things to do is strike something off a to-do list.

At the beginning of every day (or the night beforehand if your mornings are hectic) write down a list of everything you need to do.

I often write down both tasks I need to get done for the business AND my everyday tasks like Vacuuming and Paying the bills, just because it’s so damn satisfying to cross it off the list!

Writing this list is also a great way for you to meet your targets, because they’re there staring you in the face. 
Everything seems a lot more daunting when you can visualise it, so by having it written down, it makes your targets seems a lot easier to achieve.

And finally, the list will keep you accountable for everything you need to get done. 

Because if you haven’t completed it one day, it gets dragged over to your next day’s list until it gets done!

Tip 2

Time Management

One of the most satisfying things to do is strike something off a to-do list.

At the beginning of every day (or the night beforehand if your mornings are hectic) write down a list of everything you need to do.

I often write down both tasks I need to get done for the business AND my everyday tasks like Vacuuming and Paying the bills, just because it’s so damn satisfying to cross it off the list!

Writing this list is also a great way for you to meet your targets, because they’re there staring you in the face. 

Everything seems a lot more daunting when you can visualise it, so by having it written down, it makes your targets seems a lot easier to achieve.

And finally, the list will keep you accountable for everything you need to get done. 

Because if you haven’t completed it one day, it gets dragged over to your next day’s list until it gets done!

Tip 3

Goal Orientated

You’re smart, you have goals, and you’re ready to achieve them.

Sometime’s starting is the hard part, and sometimes you’ve hit the ground sprinting and you’ve burnt yourself out.

So set yourself a BIG goal that you want to achieve, and then break it down into smaller, achievable goals.

When you do this, you aren’t losing sight of what you’ve set out to achieve, but you’re also giving yourself more reasons to celebrate.

Like I mentioned above, when you can SEE what you’re doing, and what you’ve achieved, it keeps yourself motivated to keep going!

Celebrating all goals and wins in your business is the best thing you can do for yourself, because you’re celebrating YOU!

So these are my top 3 tips to stop procrastination!

Tell me what you think, and let me know how you’re going to implement these into your own business!

Abbey Rose x

Money is Simply Energy
- Abbey Rose

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