Abbey Rose

The spiritual side of overcoming failure



Do you see failure as a bad thing? Many people do, they think if they fail at something it means they will never achieve their goals.It is understandable because failure can make us feel incapable, and bad about ourselves. Failing especially when others are watching is embarrassing. Many people give up because it’s just too difficult. Some never even try in the first place.

What is failure and why do we fear it so much?

Failure is the state or condition of not achieving the desired outcome. It’s an event that doesn’t turn out as planned. We can all relate to this feeling because we have all experienced it at some point in our lives.When you’re starting out on your journey to reaching your goals, you don’t know what’s going to work and what’s not. You have to experiment and try different things, and sometimes those things will unfortunately fail.It’s important to remember that failure is a part of life, and it’s okay to make mistakes. We learn from our mistakes and become stronger as a result. Failure is a great learning experience!

How to overcome the fear of failure

When you’re scared, it is natural to want to know as much as possible about what it will take to reach your goal. It’s natural to want to be prepared for what might happen. And it’s hard to let go of control because you’re afraid of what might happen. We can’t control the outcome of everything and the truth is, you don’t need to know everything about something to be successful at it. Ironically, having more information may make you even more afraid.It’s like building a puzzle not knowing exactly what the finished picture will look like. You have to trust that the process will work and that you will get there in the end. And as you build one piece of the puzzle at a time – the picture starts to form and then becomes clear. Sometimes people ask me to help them get rid of their fears, but I can’t do that for them. The only way to get rid of fear is for you to face it yourself. I can support you, but you have to be the one who takes the leap and faces your fear.It may seem safe to stay on the edge of your fear, but it’s not. You have to be brave and find the courage to take a step forward despite your fear. Only you can take the leap, and until you do you will never know the true outcome.When you’re ready, take the leap knowing that you’ll be able to handle whatever happens. Jump off that ledge and freefall into the love of the universe, and trust that you’ll always be caught. There’s always a soft landing.

The spiritual perspective on failure

Failure seems to be a human concept that stops us from doing what we’re meant to do. It’s an ego construct that tells us we’re not good enough. In the spiritual realm, there is no such thing as failing – because everything is perfect just the way it is. There is no such thing as a mistake because everything happens for a reason.

  • Everything that happens to us – good or bad – is part of our journey.
  • Everyone is unique and special, and we are all working together to make things better.

Don’t give up on yourself

The most important thing is to not give up on yourself. No matter what happens, no matter how many times you “fail,” you must never give up.  To not give up on your dreams is to keep moving forward. You must never give in to despair or darkness. There is always light at the end of the tunnel.  Everything is an opportunity for us to grow and make progress. It’s only failure if you give up. If you take the lesson and keep going, it can’t be a failure. It seems more like progress – there are only lessons, not failures.Good things can come from what you view as a failure. You can learn and grow as a result of your mistakes and improve your skills.

Realign with your purpose

When you fail at something it does not mean that you have to reset your goal entirely. There can be many reasons why something doesn’t work out the way you want it to. So, if you find yourself “failing,” take a step back and analyse where the disconnect was. Then make the necessary changes and try again.

Be curious and find where your attempt to achieve your goal was misaligned.

  • Was it in the action?
  • Was it in the delivery?
  • Was it in the setting of the goal, to begin with?

No matter what you’re going through in life, trust that everything happens for a reason. Everything is happening exactly as it is supposed to. You can’t change the past, but you can learn from your mistakes and make different choices in the future. You can choose to do things differently next time. You were born for a reason and that purpose won’t cease to exist if you make a mistake. You are supported by the universe. So when it comes to your goals “failure” cannot be a bad thing and cannot stop you from achieving them, but can move you closer to achieving them. Embrace your failures, learn from them, and use them to make yourself stronger and you will no longer be limited by fear. Just imagine the experiences you can have and what you can achieve without the weight of fear holding you back. No doubt you will be more courageous, and you’ll see the world through new eyes.

So the question is – if there is no such thing as failure, and you cannot get it wrong, what will you do next? What fear will you face?

Reach out to me if you need support, I’ve faced many fears myself and know firsthand what it takes to keep moving forward!

Money is Simply Energy
- Abbey Rose

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